Heather Sather Case Study
Name: Vada
Breed: Dutch Shepherd
Age: 12 years old
Sex: Female (spayed)
Before NutriScan
Vada has environmental sensitivities (her parents suspect ragweed) that flare up in the fall. At first, they would end with the first hard freeze but started to continue throughout most of the winter. Allergy medications no longer worked so she was placed on prednisone. In late 2014, the veterinarian put her on Temaril-P but within a few months she had adverse reactions to being on the medication and had to be taken off. Luckily it coincided with the spring season. Vada also chewed on her feet and rubbed her face so much that she developed scabs and then infections. She was absolutely miserable.
Her parents thought doing the NutriScan test would allow them to modify her diet before the next ragweed season to help her immune system be stronger and at least reduce the sensitivity symptoms the following fall.
NutriScan Revealed
Vada has food reactions to beef, chicken, corn, cow’s milk, pork, soy, turkey, venison, wheat, white fish, barley, oatmeal, potato, quinoa and rabbit.
After NutriScan
In August, her parents reported that it took them a little bit to get organized but they were no longer feeding Vada any of the "foods to avoid" foods. Unfortunately, they believe they started a little too late to strengthen her immune system before the ragweed season started. So, they put her on Temaril-P again. They were hoping that with the dietary changes that they would be able to take her off of the Temaril-P once a good hard freeze started whereas before Vada had to stay on the Temaril-P or prednisone all winter.
Follow up in October demonstrated that Vada had been doing really well. Her mom stated that the ragweed inflammation was continuing but at a lesser degree and believed that once a good freeze hit, they would stop. Her mom also indicated that she generally took Vada off her medications too early during the ragweed season. However, this year, she had not given her Temaril-P in over 2 weeks and she had not started itching again at all! Before that it was just 1 pill every few days.
Overall, NutriScan helped curb Vada’s compounded seasonal and food reactions with the appropriate dietary changes. Now, she is not as dependent on allergy and steroid medications.